In October 2013 I had the great pleasure of attending a Lego Serious Play Facilitation course in Boston, run by Robert Rasmussen. Robert is one of the founders of the Lego Serious Play play approach and a fantastic facilitator. I always find it interesting when you are able to learn not only from the content, but also just from observing.
We had a very strong group, with experienced practitioners from both the creative industries, business and academia which made for some robust discussions around facilitation styles and methodology.
The great advantage of using a physical thinking tool such as lego to explore and model ideas and concepts is that when you're building models using your hands - or 'thinking through your hands - you are using both sides of your brain (left brain for right hand, and right brain for left hand).
This whole brain thinking has a strong and direct impact on the type of ideas that you generate when working with Lego, and I think everyone in our group found that this materially changed the nature of the ideas and solutions we generated in a very positive way.