Here are a few of the books I have been working through recently. Unfortunately the pile that I haven't read is still larger than the pile I have...
The next step is to write brief summaries of each of these - when time allows! In the interim though, I'd highly recommend reading the short list below. All books are scored by the number of post-its I use to mark the pages. The higher the count, the more interesting & insightful the book.
Ten Types of Innovation, by Larry Keeley. This is a brilliantly insightful analysis of how to drive successful innovation in a disciplined, methodical manner. Incredibly well written. (13 post-its - I am surprised this number is not higher...)
Communicating The New, by Kim Erwin. Reading this made me realise why many of the approaches we're using in our workshops are working so well. A brilliant read, full of great examples and advice on how to communicate more effectively, and in particular how to design experiences to help communicate information and insights. (25 post-its)
The Functional Art, by Alberto Cairo. In an age when we are saturated with information, and surrounded by information graphics designed by people whose aesthetic concerns often over-ride their grasp of science, this book provides a wonderfully clear guide on how to produce effective, powerful meaningful information graphics. (27 post-its)