The absolutely wonderful OfficeMax team just a little bit excited ahead of the workshop...
Participants getting to grips with the basics of the lego serious play process.
The OfficeMax team working through the Lego Serious Play Facilitator training process.
The Distillery was engaged by OfficeMax to help their staff explore collaboration and 'collaborative goal setting' at their annual sales conference.
To help with this goal, we developed a provocative, challenging, fast-paced Lego Serious Play workshop designed to help people think more deeply about what collaboration, collaborative goal setting, and innovation looks like for them in their roles and teams, what it means for them in their work, and how they might best translate those thoughts into reality; a new way of working more collaboratively.
We ran a very fast-paced, four-hour session with 120 people, and 12 table facilitators that we trained in up in the basics of the Lego Serious Play methodology ahead of the workshop.
The workshop was very well received and helped participants explore new dimensions to collaboration, and more critically reflect on their own role, and agency, as collaborators within the wider organisational ecosystem.