Customer Insights.JPG
Design Research Smartrak.JPG

This work was undertaken as part of the Better by Design programme to help Smartrak better understand the unmet needs of their customers, and thereafter design and develop solutions to meet those needs. The focus of this particular piece of work was to build the design research skills & capability of the team at Smartrak. This took the form of a series of coaching sessions on site in Hamilton.

The sessions covered:

  • Identifying the right customers to talk to;
  • How best to structure their interviews;
  • Developing their discussion guides, tools for talking, and interview protocols, and;
  • How best to document and analyse the information from the interviews and;
  • How to distil this down to clear, actionable themes that they could use to galvanise action in the business.

This process worked incredibly well for the team, and the insights they developed have spurred on a number of new initiatives across the business.